30 August 2007

Have you ever noticed how...

I want to do a banner for my comedy blog, so today's sketches are for that. I'm starting to have a few doubts about my ability to keep updating this blog daily (or even 5 days a week). Already. Anyways, we'll see.

29 August 2007

The Boy Who Lived

I'm going to check out Order of the Phoenix (the movie) tonight. Yay!
On other news, I really shouldn't drink half a liter of beer and two shots of mastiha in the middle of the day.

Go House Ravenclaw!

28 August 2007


This is for a strip I've been planning to do for my comedy blog for a long time, now.

27 August 2007

I like drawing hands.

So. I hereby proclaim the beginning of my sketch blog. Hopefully it'll get me to draw a bit every day...