19 October 2007

Brain farts

I started acting classes (or going to my acting group) again, today. Hadn't realized how much I'd missed it... The first lessons are always the most fun (since we play various improv-style games) and I missed the people there a LOT.
I'm a bit conflicted about how I'm going to fit it into my program, but I think I'll manage, in the end.

A friend also told me she's starting her own studio. Or art space slash workshop or whatever, which is amazing in a universe-conspiring-in-my-favor way. I was thinking that, next year, I should name some place outside home my office (I was actually thinking of Project Athens, until recently), and go there for a couple of hours every day to "work" on art-related projects. Associating a place with "creativity" would really boost my productivity and help me focus, compared to drawing at home where I tend to procrastinate and keep getting sidetracked.

Also, Mel bought me a book on drawing noir comics! How cool is that! I can't wait to read it...

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