08 March 2008

Requiem for a Poster

Dimitris Dimopoulos is doing a One-Man-Show!


BunnyDee said...

The last one (down, right) is the best look-alike, methinks. It's the eyebrows, man, the eyebrows!

Dimitrios Doukoglou said...

I disagree, your excellency (how's that for a random quote that's completely embedded into my speech patterns?)
The one I'm proud of the most is the top right one (the second, I guess) In the end, though, none of these were deemed cartoonish enough, so we went with a completely different sketch. (will upload to dA once the lettering is done)

Anonymous said...

Well, I like the one on the right, but who am I to have an opinion of that kind... lol

Anonymous said...

The one the right, meaning the top-left one actually...

I need to get some sleep NOW!