25 June 2008

Still Alive

3 months. Heh. I'm still here. I'm doing artwork and I'm still alive. I think this daily thing obviously failed.
I've been sketching on and off for the past few weeks. I'll upload some of the resulting sketches over the next few days...


BunnyDee said...

It's a good thing that you've returned, and an even better thing that I still instantly recognise your sketching style. As I was browsing the "Blogs" folder of my Google Reader, I saw the sketch, not expecting a post from you at that point, and instantly thought "Oh, who posted a sketch by Duke?" - It's a real good thing, in my book, to have an instantly recognizable style.

Also, I must ask: is the title of this post any sort of reference to... the song? No spoilers here, I just have to ask. Plus, you'll be a better person in my book if it is. And quite a book it is.

Dimitrios Doukoglou said...

I guess we'll never know...