26 September 2007

She's stealing all your french fries!

I wonder if I'll manage to get to the point where my use of the brushpen is at least competent, or if I'll just get bored and move on to something else.
I'm supposed to be learning Java, right now, and I'm going out later tonight, so I'm not going to write much more.
Still, in the unlikely event that there are people who follow my blog, but not my DeviantART Gallery, I'm going to mention it here, as well:
Pretend You're a Time Traveler Day (even though right now, it seems to be down).
Essentially, prepare to pretend you've come from the future (or the past) on December 8th. The trick is to look out of place without being too obvious. And you mustn't reveal to anyone that you're a time traveller.
The possibilities for crazy fun are just endless...! Bluthan, for one, is crazy excited.
Spread the word!

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